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SOCLIFE offers 8 new scholarships

The Research Training Group SOCLIFE is looking for talented and ambitious team players who have a Master’s degree (or a…

SOCLIFE offers 8 new scholarships

The Research Training Group SOCLIFE is looking for talented and ambitious team players who have a Master’s degree (or a…

SOCLIFE offers 8 new scholarships

The Research Training Group SOCLIFE is looking for talented and ambitious team players who have a Master’s degree (or a…

Einsichtnahme zur Klausur „Selected Issues in Information Systems I“: Dienstag, 25.3.2014, 18:30-20:00 Uhr

Die Einsichtnahme zur Klausur „Selected Issues in Information Systems I“ (48402) vom 15.02.2014 findet am Dienstag, den…

Prüfungsankündigung Sommersemester

Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Colloquium on Personnel Economics

From 19 to 21 March 2014

Colloquium on Personnel Economics

From 19 to 21 March 2014

Colloquium on Personnel Economics

From 19 to 21 March 2014

Colloquium on Personnel Economics 2014

The Colloquium on Personnel Economics provides a forum for presenting research in all areas of personnel economics –…

Termine für Diplomanden-/Masterkolloquien

Die nächsten Diplomanden-/Masterkolloquien finden an folgenden Terminen statt:


  • 13.03.2014, Donnerstag, 16:00-18:00…