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ReStart Talk „Wie verhalten sich verheiratete Frauen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt?“

24.11.2021 | 17:00 – 18:30 Uhr

mit Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln (Goethe University Frankfurt)

Saal der ESG Köln

Meta - Multiple Job Offers

Meta is currently looking for graduates to apply for their multiple job offers as an Account Manager.

Meta - Multiple Job Offers

Meta is currently looking for graduates to apply for their multiple job offers as an Account Manager.

BCG - Female Intensiveship

For women only. German skills required!

BCG - Female Intensiveship

For women only. German skills required!

Henkel - Catch your Internship

Virtual Recruiting Event "CatchYourInternship@Henkel"

Henkel - Catch your Internship

Virtual Recruiting Event "CatchYourInternship@Henkel"

Langjähriger Karriere-Impakt: Prof. Dr. Reinartz

#wisoimpact – Reinartz top zitierter Wirtschaftswissenschaftler

Langjähriger Karriere-Impakt: Prof. Dr. Reinartz

#wisoimpact – Reinartz top zitierter Wirtschaftswissenschaftler

DHL Consulting - Working Student

Working Student - Recruiting and Employer Branding