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Studentische Hilfskräfte am CLER

ISS Research Seminar / ISS Oberseminar

ISS Research Seminar / ISS Oberseminar

Studentische Hilfskräfte gesucht

Das Kölner Laboratorium für Wirtschaftsforschung (CLER) sucht ab dem 01.07.2015 studentische Hilfskräfte IT (m/w) (8-10…

Neuer Artikel in "German Politics"

The Financialisation of Sovereign Debt: An Institutional Analysis of the Reforms in German Public Debt Management.…

New Double Masters Programme in Health Economics with the Maastricht University

apply from 1 April until 15 May 2015 to start your studies in fall term 2015/16

New Double Masters Programme in Health Economics with the Maastricht University

apply from 1 April until 15 May 2015 to start your studies in fall term 2015/16

New Double Masters Programme in Health Economics with the Maastricht University

apply from 1 April until 15 May 2015 to start your studies in fall term 2015/16

Papers accepted for presentation at the 31st Annual IMP Conference

The following papers have been accepted for presentation at the 31st Annual IMP Conference, August 27-29, 2015 in…

"Information Managment"-Start in der 2. Vorlesungswoche

Wir informieren interessierte Studenten des Moduls "Information Managment" (761 07), dass die Veranstaltung erst in der…