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Ausfall des Kolloquiums am 26.01.2015

Das Kolloquium muss heute (Montag, den 26.01.2015) leider entfallen, da die Referentin erkrankt ist.

Global benchmark: Prof. Dr. Werner Reinartz is the leading non-US researcher in marketing

University of Cologne is one of the leading non-US marketing institutions

Global benchmark: Prof. Dr. Werner Reinartz is the leading non-US researcher in marketing

University of Cologne is one of the leading non-US marketing institutions

Global benchmark: Prof. Dr. Werner Reinartz is the leading non-US researcher in marketing

University of Cologne is one of the leading non-US marketing institutions

Gastvortrag von Dr. Mark Leach - BMW i Mobility Services - "Origin, Status and Outlook"

Am Dienstag, 27. Januar 2015 in Hörsaal XXV

Gastvortrag von Dr. Mark Leach - BMW i Mobility Services - "Origin, Status and Outlook"

Am Dienstag, 27. Januar 2015 in Hörsaal XXV

Gastvortrag von Dr. Mark Leach - BMW i Mobility Services - "Origin, Status and Outlook"

Am Dienstag, 27. Januar 2015 in Hörsaal XXV

Ausgewählte Fragen der WI in der Summer School - Summer School zu Business Process Management

Vom 18 – 28 August 2015 wird Prof. Jan Mendling im Rahmen der Summer School eine Veranstaltung zum Thema Business…

Circle of Excellence in Marketing

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Circle of Excellence in Marketing

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